October 9th Critique

  1. I feel like the stories on A1 in Monday’s paper were more so selected for the topics that they represent. I think the most surprising thing on the page would be the “Test return times down to eight hours” because that is something that affects the day to day lives of students.
  2. For the visuals on the page, I really like the protest photo. It shows people in action, in the streets protesting. As for the rest of the photos, they’re pretty generic, but then again there are only so many ways we can capture COVID testing.
  3. For the primary focal points, I guess I’ve always been told (by previous editors) that each story always has to have art. I can definitely put more effort into creating more of a lead story rather than just big art. Before this class I kind of thought that the biggest art should be with the biggest story, but now I know that that’s not necessarily the case.
  4. For the stories on A2 and A3, I feel like the study abroad story is pretty impactful, because I know I had heard about some people who were optimistic about studying abroad in the spring. This would be big news to someone like them. 
  5. I think the “hidden gem” this week was definitely features. I agree that the clipping of the ballot box could have been closer. I like what you did as an alternative. I think I was just trying to go for a collage-type look. I really liked the Reddit-themed page too. Last week’s class kind of inspired me to be a little more creative with these pages. I want to carry that over to the rest of the paper (maybe not the same as features, but something similar).
  6. Maybe for the Block I story, it could focus on one of the people who’s organizing the event. The halloween COVID story could possibly include interviews from parents or children in the community to create more of people-centered article rather than an information only-centered article.
  7. Although there isn’t a whole lot of action, I think the photo of the pre-packaged meals on A1 could possibly stand on its own. Perhaps a different version of this concept. It’d be cool to get a picture of people grabbing the meals to show what the COVID-era dining room experience is like.
  8. The infographic was admittedly way too small to really understand without having to squint. If it were more visible (apologies for this), I think it would be easy to understand.

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